As of today, we cease any discussion with the Town Hall as long as the street lighting is not restored
Mister Mayor of Pratdip, Ladies and Gentlemen Municipal Councilors, Madam lawyer Anna Paixa,
Here is the position of our association, “Asociacion de Vecinos de Planes del Rei” (SOSPlanes).
After verbal and telephone consultation with many of our members, our office made the following decision:
Indeed, everyone has pointed out to us that this proposal from the Town Hall of Pratdip to restore us public lighting only after we have signed a commitment in favor of a new Urban Entity is AN UNACCEPTABLE BLACKMAIL.
We do not forget that according to the words of the judges of the TSJC, in the sentence of July 21, 2016, the Town Hall should have dissolved the entity (EUCC) in 1993, the last of the five years authorized by law.
This would have saved the owners of Planes del Rei from paying five million euros over a 23-year period during which our urbanization was subjected to unfair and illegal double taxation.
It is the recognition of this situation that prompted the Judges of the TSJC to dissolve this Entity (EUCC) on July 21, 2016, but also to confirm this decision in an appeal judgment of May 10, 2021 which dismisses the Town Hall and condemns it to pay 2,000€.
We consider that, by paying 250,000€ to IBI per year, we are legitimate in claiming public lighting at 5,000€.
We believe that by depriving us of public lighting, the City Council is violating article 26 of Law 7/1985 of April 2, which regulates the bases of the local regime throughout Spain.
This law says:
- street lighting
- a cemetery
- household waste collection
- street cleaning
- home drinking water supply
- the sewers
- access to population centers and paving of public roads.
Article 26 – All Municipalities must provide, in all cases, the following services:
In the event of non-compliance with this law, we, together with our lawyer, must draw all the conclusions.
Our association and its members prefer this fight to the unworthy blackmail that is proposed to us.
For the “association de Vecinos de Planes del Rei (SOSPlanes)”
President Gérard Marais
Alejandra Hierro el 18 agosto 2021 a las 0 h 31 min
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Estamos pagando bastante de Ibi y el Ayuntamiento no invierte nada en Planas del Rey. Volver a hacer una entidad urbanística, es volver a recaer en el error del pasado, volviendo a pagar por unos servicios que de sobra ya están pagados con los ibis
Victoria el 17 agosto 2021 a las 14 h 56 min
Hola!!!! Esto lo voy diciendo cada vez que mandáis la Tribuna de Planas,es inaceptable que un ayuntamiento que cobra NUESTROS IMPUESTOS,nos tenga sin alumbrado público,algo tan básico,pero claro,es más importante tener la piscina con gente durante 2 meses,esto si que es indignante.
Antonio Ridderbos el 17 agosto 2021 a las 14 h 54 min
Según los estatutos de la nueva entidad todos los propietarios son socios. Donde me he metido, Korea del Norte?
Los miembros del Ayuntamiento que se niegan a aceptar sus responsabilidades legales. Deben estar excluidos de los cargos públicos, ya que también ignorarán futuras órdenes judiciales.
Evelyne Planet sur 17 août 2021 à 11 h 03 min
Bravo, je suis d’accord avec vous ainsi que nous en avons parlé à la dernière réunion. Il est plus que temps que nous nous revoltions contre les manières détestables de cette Mairie. Je ne peux qu’encourager TOUS les propriétaires à nous suivre et à ne plus payer 1 seul Euro à la Mairie tant que nous n’aurons pas d’éclairage public.
Evelyne Planet