Dear members of our association, dear neighbors of Planes del Rei,
Since October 31, 2017, our urbanization has been without public lighting.
Delinquency has tripled and the streets at night are about as safe as those of Chicago in the 1930s during the prohibition era, but without the joys of the “Cotton Club” …
One example among others: the top of Calle Lirio. Out of five houses, four were vandalized.
- One was squatted
- Another was broken into in broad daylight at 5 p.m. and the watchdog was immobilized with a taser.
- The other two were broken into with the front door broken, etc …
And all of this in the space of a few weeks.
We are told that the municipality has entered “a phase of consultation” …
Let’s remember the facts:
The last electricity bill paid to Endesa was less than € 5,000.
This is the price of public lighting in Planes del Rei for one year. It’s ridiculous really.
Remember that all owners pay € 250,000 to IBI each year.
The town hall therefore openly laughs at us.
The Judges of Barcelona, in a final appeal judgment (May 10, 2021), they just prove them wrong and say they MUST apply the sentence of July 21, 2016 “with good will”. We are not there. We are very far from it …
Law 7/1985 of April 2, which regulates the bases of the local regime throughout Spain, states:
Article 26 – Municipalities must provide, in all cases, the following services:
- street lighting
- a cemetery
- household waste collection
- street cleaning
- home drinking water supply
- the sewers
- access to population centers and paving of public roads.
These are the minimum services that any municipality must provide in Spain.
The town hall has always said that we would be “private”.
- BUT:
- We have been asking for a legal text that proves it for 10 years. And nothing!
- Barcelona Judges’ sentence clearly confirms EUCC dissolution on appeal, dissolution which removes the administrative level between Planes and the Town Hall. We therefore now depend directly on the town hall.
- Finally, the report of the architect of the Baix Camp (dated 31 March 2021) led the town hall to take over the large plot of green space. MAIS cela amène une question : pourquoi cette parcelle et pas la calle Lirio ou la calle Magnolia ou la calle Narcisso, etc..!?
We cannot continue like this. That’s enough!
We demand the immediate restoration of street lighting throughout Planes!
Associacion de Vecinos de Planes del Rei (SOS Planes)
Acuerdo con la petition
MONJO sur 16 juillet 2021 à 20 h 47 min
Je soutiens votre action
Peeters-Plaitin sur 16 juillet 2021 à 20 h 49 min
Nous signons la pétition pour rétablir l’électricité à Planes
Brigitte BYL sur 16 juillet 2021 à 20 h 49 min
Je confirme ma participation à la pétition sur 16 juillet 2021 à 23 h 07 min
Et dire que ce triste sire se fout impunément de toute l’Entité de Planas et négligé ses obligations il est indigne de sa situation. Rien ne bougera tant que ce paysan continuera de gérer Pratdip et Planas….
H&nne Damsgaard sur 17 juillet 2021 à 13 h 35 min
je soutiens toute action pour notre planas del rey,electricité,eau,egouts,route etc…
Laloyaux marc sur 17 juillet 2021 à 13 h 55 min
Il n’y a plus du tout d’éclairage public depuis le 23 janvier 2018 mais avant cette date l’éclairage était déjà déficient à pas mal d’endroits. C’est une honte de voir que des élus adoptent de telles attitudes envers une partie de leur population car nous sommes tous citoyens de PRATDIP.
Bruno DUISIT sur 17 juillet 2021 à 14 h 55 min
Je signe cette pétition.
Nous ne sommes pas des résidents de seconde zone !!!
JEAN LUC BONNEAU sur 17 juillet 2021 à 16 h 19 min
je souhaite etre sur la petition immediatement . Il est clair que Planas est en danger de securite.La police ne fait plus de ronde depuis trop longtemps.. Il faut que la presse soit avec nous et mettre tout en oeuvre pour faire voir au public le manque flagrant de responsabilite de la mairie qui a ete sommee de faire le suivi .si rien n’ai fait, elle est en defaut .
merci et je soutiens a 100% .
ALAIN HUET sur 18 juillet 2021 à 9 h 23 min
Je signe également la pétition pour le retablissement de l’éclairage public à PLANAS
dario garcia el 19 julio 2021 a las 12 h 57 min
Creo que seria bueno llegar a un acuerdo con el Aytmo sin dejar de reclamar nuestros derechos
Have read your information. It really cannot be explained with words that the town hall in Pratdip can do what it wants, why are there laws in Spain. We pay and pay IBI annually, that is our duty, but the town hall in Pratdip should also fulfill their duties, that is law. It is shameful that you remind again and again what the town hall has to take over, it is actually punishable.
The mayor has a responsibility, as he accepts the IBI from Planes, to make sure the inhabitants are safe !
No light can not be accepted as safe ! The mayor needs to be called to account and explain why he is not doing his job !