“IBI” : Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles
What is the property tax “IBI” in Spain ?
As an owner of a house, immovable or apartment in Spain, and whether you are a resident or non-resident in Spain, you must pay a tax in Spain: a property tax on your real estate. This is a local tax claimed by the municipality
How is the property tax calculated ?
All real property is recorded by the municipality. The municipality assigns them a cadastral value. This cadastral value is the tax base on which a tax rate set by the municipality, the property tax, applies.
What is the tax rate for the IBI tax in Spain ?
The tax rate varies by municipality. Between 0.4% for urban real estate or 0.3% for rural real estate and 1.10% for urban property or 0.90% for rural property. Most municipalities have the highest tax rate.
How and when do we pay the IBI tax or property tax ?
The IBI tax is paid annually. It is payable by the person who owns the property on January 1. This tax is usually claimed in the months of September, October or November. It can also be domiciled in the bank account. The real estate remains attached to the payment of all IBI receipts.
– Source: Immobilier en Espagne
– Read also : Tax in Spain: Income tax of non residents “IRNR”