Several topics of great importance to the residents of Planes del Rei were discussed at the last City Council meeting.
From this Monday several workers from the municipality will start cleaning up Pratdip and our urbanization. They will study how to reorganize green spaces, see if the automatic sprinkler system still works and if there is a fault, repair them. This point is of paramount importance, as it reaffirms the positive harmony that the City Council is creating. The city council shows urbanity. The five politicians of the municipal government (Junts per Catalunya) have shown us their outstretched hand to solve the problems of Planes del Rei, even if, as we all know, there are still distances between our demands and theirs. But our work continues with the desire to reduce this distance and by seeking the most favorable solutions possible for our urbanization.
We have also been informed that technical services have been contacted for the review and update of the Les Planes del Rei renovation project. This supposes an update of the estimate of the price and a planning of the eventual execution of the project, in phases. We will request an appointment with the technician at the start of the work study.
The city council, assuming its responsibility and in response to a request made by Avança Pratdip, at the request of several residents concerned, removed a pine tree in poor condition in a private property on Calle Lirio.
Regarding the problem of school transport for students from Planes del Rei and Pratdip who wish to study at the hospitalet rather than in Montroig, the municipal councilor Jordi Pagán has expressed his interest in solving this problem for the next school year and proposed to study a solution. We will call a meeting with those affected to provide more information on this.
Regarding the issue of electricity and street lighting in Planas, we are continuing negotiations with the Town Hall, in collaboration with the groups, Sos Planes, Unidos 2020 and the ex-Eucc in liquidation.
Finally, concerning the issue of increasing the bill for household waste collection, it was approved with the 2019 budgets. This increase was imposed on all the municipalities of the Baix camp by the company Secomsa, to compensate the expenses generated by the lack of recycling of the inhabitants, in general.
We have asked the city council to convene a new meeting with all the groups of Planes del Rei. It will certainly be held next week. Nous ne manquerons pas de vous en faire un résumé.
Glòria Moreno
Jose Pescador
Serge Bodeux sur 7 juillet 2021 à 11 h 41 min
Excellente nouvelle. Merci à toutes les équipes qui travaillent à recréer des liens afin d’avancer pas à pas à une remise en état de Planas
Jean luc bonneau sur 6 juillet 2021 à 17 h 45 min
Voilà que les choses avancent vers du mieux.Merci ai demandé à Mr Marais quel est le montant de la cotisation annuelle et à qui payer.
Très amicalement
Jean luc Bonneau
GALICE py et am sur 7 juillet 2021 à 7 h 59 min
Merci pour vos avancées. Vous parlez d’un pin dangereux rue Lirio. Ne faudrait-il pas parler de tous les pins dangereux et des accotements qui s’effritent sur le chemin de service? Chaque pluie, et Dieu sait s’il y en a en ce moment, ravine tout. Il faudrait tout revoir et protéger comme sur la route de Pratdip. Pourriez-vous en parler s’il vous plaît? Merci d’avance. py et am Galice
Buenas dias a todos
Gracias por todo lo que hacen ustedes. Se habla del pino peligroso C/Lirio. No se deberia tambien hablar de los pinos peligrosos i arcenes no estabilizados del camino de servicio? Cada vez que llueve, y Dios sabe cuantas lluvias hay estos dias, los arcenes son desgarrados con la lluvia. Se necesitaria arreglar y proteger como en esta parte de la carretera de Pratdip. Podrian hablar de este peligro durante la reunion proxima? Le agradeceriamos. py i am Galice
Victoria el 6 julio 2021 a las 16 h 58 min (Editar)
Hola!!!! No acabo de entender que se le dé más importancia al transporte escolar o a reurbanización que lo que es verdaderamente necesario es la luz de las calles,de verdad que no lo entiendo.